Jason Kenney Floating in a Tailings Pond like it's a Lazy River with a Mangled Duck Carcass Balanced on his Calcified Belly
This is a large painting of Jason Kenney floating in a tailings pond like it’s a lazy river with a mangled duck carcass balanced on his calcified belly.
Kenney doesn’t disassemble the bird with any observable finesse or dexterity. First he mashes it into a goo with both hands operating simultaneously performing non-distinct actions, then he forces the whole thing into his dislocated jaw. It’s like if the brain of a shitty snake were shoved into a roughshod flesh diorama molded by an AI with a cum-rope thin understanding of what a human might look like, then given free pass to fuck an entire province for four years.
To expel nondigestible beak, feet, and feather, he wretches in long helpless fits. His weighty epi-centre sloshes to and fro along the slippery parabolas of his roiling yellow inner tube. Clenched fists slap the silty meniscus of World Class Alberta Tailings; loose limbs flail like tubesocks of creamed corn in the prairie wind; the panicked clattering orchestra of bile soaked breath rattles the totemic jack pines on a still northern night.
Of course, letting man or beast float in a tailings pond like it’s a lazy river is an OH&S nightmare, but he’s been given pass. After all, Jason Kenney done so much for the industry. First by lowering corporate taxes, then abolishing them altogether. This creates ideal market conditions for large companies to make lots of money. A winking abyss of unease beds in the cockles of his enablers, but when a hideous monster riding a tidal wave of skulls on a surfboard emerges from the eastern haze what option is there but to succumb to the typhoon of inhumanity?
it is whispered that any wayward soul unfortunate enough to bear witness to the visual and aural cacophony of Jason Kenney floating in a tailings pond like it’s a lazy river with a mangled duck carcass balanced on his calcified belly will slowly go mad. Observe Justice Minister Doug Schweitzer, who in under a year has become all gaunt and googly-eyed, slowly marinating in a frothy tide of greed and nihilism. Ever gaunter, ever googly-eyeder.
Shmanyways, this painting is 4ft x 5ft and is a true nightmare. It shouldn’t be owned by anyone, man or beast. $500 OBO